Why you shouldn’t care what people think

You can’t be forced to be christian, it’s a deep choice. Fortunately for me, i was born into a christian family. But for 17 years, i was forced to go to church and didn’t understand a lick of what it meant to be christian. Recently i have become very annoyed by the portrayal people have of christians. We’re not perfect and i wouldn’t expect anyone to be, if you read the bible, you’ll know that we’re supposed to be humble, non-judgemental, pure, godly etc. We’re meant to turn the other cheek. It makes it hard for Christians like me who’re really trying and looking for support but come to the realisation we’re practically alone!

You find Christians who say and do dreadful things. Who condescendingly judge and gossip during their free time. We’re surrounded by these kind of people. Gossips. You may be one of them.

One of the most alarming things i came to realise was the gap between God and us. The people around me call me “innocent” because i don’t drink or partyI’ve never even kissed a guy! I sometimes feel like the only one. Believe me i’m not in the slightest bit tempted but it’s just nice to know that i’m not doing all of this in vain….i always feel wrong. Doesn’t matter what it is, i never quite seem to hit the mark.

Let me show you why human standards don’t matter. “I hate him so much! but i’ll do the right thing and not get violent” “yeah i watch porn, but atleast i’m not doing it! ” “i’m telling you it’s normal, all guys have to watch porn” . The bible tells us God sees hate to be murder and LUST to be adultery. When you think about it, we’re all sinners. Picture a serial killer. He tortures and mutates people. After all that, he feels absolutely no remourse. Then there’s the jovial “cool” guy. He drinks and does everything in life. Doesn’t care about God thoug….but wouldn’t harm a fly. You’d expect that the serial killer would go a more intense hell, yes? No. We’re all just sinners. Simple as that. What sets apart thdiligent christians from……the not so diligent is how they live. “We live by what we believe” . If you believe in God–SHOW IT! You can tell a tree apart from the rest through it’s fruit. What do you as a christian do that seperates you from everyone else. Can people tell from the way you act and what you say? You shouldn’t need to say you’re a christian for people to be able to tell.

Now, “why you shouldn’t care what people think” .Picture this, you’re driving a car. There are people in the backseat yealling and telling you you’re a horrible driver: “dude! you totally should have taken the right turn its so much shorter”  “seriously?! is that the fastest you can go?? you’re no fun at all”. With all th pressure, you bend. You do what they say and what happens you crash and get lost! It’s their fault right? Wrong. You think they’re going to own up? When you’re paying the damage done to the other car, THAT’S when you’ll get the silence. But here’s the catch, they didn’t even know where you were going to in the first place.

People will judge and put you down but this is your personal journey with God. Your destination is Heaven. Nobody can tell you how fast you should get there or what route is shorter because there exists onyl one road. In God’s eyes, they’re all just sinners. The judgement you should especially not pay attention to is of those who are ungodly. They don’t even realise that there’s something they’re not doing right. If we’re all just infected with sin, hwo could you seek acceptance from others. How could you want to please people whe Jesus who i perfect sacrificed Himself for you and forgives you EVERY SINGLE TIME!


Bw careful who you try to please. Let that person have a good heart. Not just achievements which they’ll die without anyway. All that will be left behind. We still hear of dead famous people until now, but do you thik they’re basking in that glory right now? Don’t seek something you can’t keep.


Sometimes people just wrong me and it may be evil but you know what bible verse comforts me “God will trouble those who trouble you”. Look around your formidable surroundings. The mountains and all the beauty. God is AMAZING! You may hatch a perfect revenge plan but trust me, what God can do is better. Let it go.

don’t care what people think because they can get to your mind and mody…..but they can’t touch your soul! and that’s all you keep when you die. Make the right choices and find your true happiness. The happiness that remains even when you have nothing left. This probably didn’t help 99.9% percent of the viewers but that 0.1% ……please, turn your life around and let God in 🙂

































“Be the change you wish to see in the world”

I’m now more inclined towards this quote. Now where are my manners?…..How are you? Due to time differences (assuming someone will actually read this blog), i tried to find a mutual greeting SCORE!

Okay so this is what’s up. Sometimes i feel like i have no purpose. I’m quote the average Joe. Not completely terrible at everything, yet not the jaw dropper. Same applies to my physical attributes. I often tl myself I’m not good at anything….it puzzles me why. I KNOW God made me with an intention. Perhaps I’ll draw people with my love of music and the arts. Perhaps my love and appreciation for travel will have an impact on those i meet. Maybe my weirdness will encourage people to be what they are. See, everything i do and say is often ignored. I really question my intelligence at times. But i’m not looking for reason. I’m looking for purpose. We can ask why the sky is blue…or we we could paint a blue sky. We could ask why we’re alive…or we could go out there and change lives. Whoever you are, you may be rejected and ignored like me sitting behind the screen and hoping for a life changing experience, but you DO NOT have to be less than what you were made to be. I’m getting there. I’m just lost right now….very lost. I’ve been asking God for a sign…where to go. But the bible assures us that if we commit to the Lord in all we do then we will succeed……Sometimes we don’t get magical detailed replies from God because we could do what we love but just in his name. Now this doesn’t mean you can kill for God just because it’s in His name. We’re told it’s not enough to merely know the word, but to do it. If you’re like me and most of other christians, you find yourself “choosing when” to be godly. You simply can’t do this and expect a reward. When something’s really hard for me to do i make a thumbs up in the air to whichever other christian on the opposite side of the world is sharing the same experience. I’m making it easier for that one christian who may think it’s just them–it’s not just you. Sometimes people look down on you and criticize your every move just because you’re christian. Sometimes people expect you to be “perfect” just because you’re christian. I’ll tell you why it shouldn’t get to you…..in the next blog 🙂  now stay tuned err’ body! lol it’s called “why you shouldn’t care”

Just a little bcakground info

I must say i thought this would be more exiting. This blog is open to all but i was especially directing this to christians who may share the same struggles. Just watched the movie ‘to save a life’ for the second time and it’s increasingly bothering me that people lose their lives daily, For some, it’s not a choice and for others…..they can’t take it anymore. Maybe this is the blog that can save atleast one life. All can view this as i said…..it just may abit awkward for atheists 😀

I’ve grown up in a family where i seem to have alien interests. It’s pretty much a dull life and sometimes i really wonder if this is what we live for. You know one of the things that i absolutely love about being christian, i look forward to eternal life after “death” . Even though sometimes life is especially hard for some or great for others, eternal life will be sure to blow anyone away. Can you imagine a life with no more “bleh” days? No more people putting you down? Just joy? Pure and honest joy?

So maybe this blog may encourage any new christians or those simply losing inspiration. It’s not easy (believe) me but it’s totally worth it (believe me)


Whoever you are, keep strong 🙂